den 28 mars 2005
Snabbläsning och läs- och skrivsvårigheter.
Vid första tanken kan det verka som en dålig kombination. Efter att ha läst på lite har jag blivit övertygad om att det är tvärt om. Tony Buzan skriver i The Speed Reading Book:
A 16-year-old girl in the Scandinavian School of Brussels attended a Buzan Centre course on Mind Mapping and Learning, and on the first day did exceptionally well. On the morning of the second day she came up to the teacher and asked to be excused from the morning session, 'because she was dyslexic'. The teacher encouraged her to give it a try, which she did. The result? From an initial reading speed of 100 words per minute and poor comprehension, she graduated at the end of the day with a speed of 600 words per minute and 70 per cent comprehension.
Det är möjligt att hon inte hade riktig dyslexi. Enligt Buzan är exemplet ett av många.
Jeffrey Freed skriver i Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World att:
While right-brained, ADD children may have difficulty reading out loud, nature again gives them a compensating strength from which to work: They can be excellent silent readers and speed-readers.
George Stancliffe berättar om en klass han skulle lära snabbläsning:
Recently I was invited by a friend to instruct speed reading in a high-school class that she taught. Present in the class were two students who each had a "Learning Disability." One was diagnosed with ADD and the other, ADHD. After about 2 hours, all of the students had significant improvement with their reading speed and comprehension. But guess who the two top students were?
You’re right, they were the "Learning Disabled" ones. While the rest of the class (9 other students) at least doubled or tripled their reading speed (a few attained up to 4,000 words per minute), and improved their comprehension abilities, the "Disabled" ones were both over 10,000 wpm, with incredibly good recall.
En förklaring till att så många med dyslexi, ADD, ADHD, och liknande, kan bli bra snabbläsare, är att man inte läser ord bokstav för bokstav. Man ser orden som bilder. Som "högerhjärnade" är de exceptionelt bra på att processa bilder, vilket är en trolig anledning till att de lyckas bra.
den 7 januari 2005
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